Friday, May 13, 2011

One-Hand Drill

What You Will Need:

  1. L-Screen/Short screen
  2. Baseballs
  3. Short-light bat

Place the l-screen/short screen about 20-30 feet away from the batter.  Have the batter either take a proper stance or get down on his/her back knee.  So we work the bottom hand have the batter choke his bottom hand up to the top of the grip/tape and place his top hand and arm across his/her chest.  The batter should now position the bat as if he/she were about to take regular batting practice, now start throwing.  The objective of this drill is for the batter to make nice solid contact with the ball focusing on line-drives and ground balls.  As the batter makes progress and becomes comfortable with the drill have him/her move their hands down the bat towards normal position. 

(This drill can also be reversed, using the top-hand to work on bringing hips through)


The one-hand drill is an excellent drill for younger players who are insecure about their hitting abilities.  It allows the batter to keep hands close to the body while working on proper extension and bat speed as well.  The bottom-hand is the "power" hand and should be the lead hand to the baseball.  Generally the bottom hand needs more work than the top.  Hope this was helpful!

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